CEEPUS supports student mobility at various study levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD) and academic staff mobility.
Two basic types of mobility are:
- network mobility is organised within approved CEEPUS networks and in CEEPUSumbrella networks (networks that meet the quality standards but are not among approved networks for a particular academic year);
- freemover mobility is a mobility organised outside CEEPUS network.It refers to any mobility between two higher education institutions eligible to participate in CEEPUS, with one or both institutions not included in one of the CEEPUS networks.
The basic unit of measurement in the CEEPUS III programme is the so-called “scholarship month”. Each CEEPUS Member State covers the costs for students and academic staff from abroad (“incoming” participants). The amount of the scholarship varies across countries and is in line with their economic capability. In some cases, accommodation in student dormitories and food at affordable prices are also provided by the scholarship (depending on the country where the mobility is organised). More information on the scholarship amount and possible accommodation and food benefits is available on the CEEPUS III programme website, in the CEEPUS Member Countries and NCOs section within the Contact section.
Student exchange programmes
There are three categories of CEEPUS student mobility, according to the category of scholarship holders and purpose of the mobility:
- studentmobility – for regular semester activities with the aim of acquiring ECTS credits, awarded for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 10 months;
- short-term studentmobility – for students who want to conduct research for their thesis/dissertation. One month is the minimum duration for this type of mobility;
- short-term excursions – for participants of short group mobility (such as summer schools).
Teacher exchange programme
Teaching staff participating in the CEEPUS programme will normally apply for the teacher category.
This type of mobility is intended for teaching staff who will teach/mentor at the host institution. In accordance with the CEEPUS III Work Programme, the condition for approving this type of mobility is six hours of teaching/mentoring per week. The minimum duration of this type of mobility is five days, or three days in case of short group mobility.
Teaching staff participating in an excursion or winter/summer school as lecturers will normally apply for the teacher category.