Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme providing financial support for cooperation projects in three fields: education, youth and sport. The total budget for the Erasmus+ Programme allocated for the whole period until 2027 amounts to 26 billion euros.

Promotion and implementation of Erasmus+ in Serbia in the fields of education, training, youth and sport is delegated to the Foundation Tempus.

Institutions and organisations from EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme (all European Union countries, Serbia, Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey) can fully participate in Erasmus+, while certain parts of the programme are also open to participants from third countries not associated to the Programme (other EU neighbour countries and all countries in the world).

In February 2019, Republic of Serbia became fully fledged member or the Erasmus+ programme and can participate in all parts of the programme.

The Erasmus+ Programme includes three key actions – KA1, KA2 and KA3:

Projects supported under Key Action 1 (KA1) are learning mobility projects.

They include:

  • mobility for higher education students and staff,
  • mobility for teaching/non teaching staff in pre-schools and schools, mobility of teaching/non teaching staff and students in vocational education and training institutions and organisations, and
  • mobility for teaching/non-teaching staff in adult education institutions and organisations that are not in vocational education and training.

Mobility projects have numerous goals, including: teaching, training attendance, traineeships, recognition of ECTS credits, gaining experience and new knowledge and professional development.

Projects supported under Key Action 2 (KA2) are institutional cooperation projects for innovation and exchange of good practices. They involve institutional cooperation of programme and partner countries that may be achieved through capacity building projects in higher education, strategic partnership projects, knowledge alliances and sector skills alliances. These projects are aimed at contributing to the modernisation and strengthening of a systemic response of education, training and youth to the challenges of the modern age – unemployment, economic stability and growth and active participation in democratic life.

Projects supported under Key Action 3 (KA3) involve support to educational policy reform and target institutions that create and implement public policies in the fields of education and youth.

Information on how to find a partner, how to write a project and which institution to submit the project to is available at: